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Minimalise your packing for minimal holiday stress! Life Hack!

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So first things first hands up I admit…I have a problem with overpacking! I am the sort of person who will sit in a pile of their own stuff daydreaming about outfits im never actually going to wear and fantasy holiday scenarios which more than likely wont happen ( I literally packed knee high heeled tassled boots to go do a workaway on a remote organic Italian farm in case of last minute invites to Italian fashion shows ). However I have learnt finally how to cut it out and get down to minimal packing and it makes my holidays much more liberating from daily life (plus liberation from those sneaky aeroplane suitcase fares).

Minimalism has proved a way of happiness for so many aspects of life so it only makes sense that it can improve your holidays. Packing light is a means of escaping all the stuff that distracts you and weighs you down in your noral life. It also teaches you just how much you don’t actually need lots of external things internal happiness and it can help show you what things you really do value. For instance I now no longer take my hair extensions away when I work at festivals as I know they’re just taking up room and I get annoyed and itchy with them in if im out in the sun or a big crowd but I do hold my non camping and very fluffy pillow in high regard!


Here is my advice on what to pack and what not to pack!


  • If you’re going into multiple climates for instance if you’re going into Marrakech in the summer its ROASTING but like many people you may want to go into the atlas mountains which get FREEZING. – the trick is layers! You can wear the same t-shirt in the hot medina as the summit of Toubkal but up there it will class as a base layer! You only need 1 heavyweight warm clothing as it doesn’t touch your skin and weights a lot!


  • T-shirt dresses,T –shirt Dresses,T-shirt Dresses! These little beauties are good for chilling at the beach, walking around the city , lounging at the hostel & looking dressed up for a night out!


  • Loungerwear which can double up as exercise gear! I recommend taking one of our Nubyén Second Skin activewear sets with you. Here is my reasoning,it can double up as comfortable long journey clothes due to it’s breathable fabric,say goodbye to clammy journeys! There are a million amazing yoga classes,hikes,novelty classes etc in the world which you can attend which can relax you into your holiday mood even more and allow you to try something new! Or if you’re just totally zonked after a day jampacked with exploring its lovely to come back and lounge……also our leggings are pretty beautiful,chuck on any tee with them and you’re bound to wow.

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